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Dayton Bicycle Accident Attorney

The popularity of bicycling in Ohio has increased dramatically over the past decade with the development of paved trails, like the Miami Valley Bike Trails.  Unfortunately, accidents involving collisions with cars at road crossings and attacks by dogs all commonly occur.  The issues that arise in these cases are often different than those encountered in a typical car accident.  At the Brannon Law Firm, we have litigated numerous bicycle cases and have gained the experience necessary to evaluate complicated issues of liability, insurance coverage, and damages.  It is important that the victim of a bicycle accident discusses the nature of the accident with an attorney as soon as possible so that important evidence can be obtained before it disappears.

Effects of a Bicycle Accident

Accidents involving a bicyclist often cause serious injury or death.  An unprotected human body on a fragile piece of equipment is no match for a speeding automobile or hard pavement.  Even the most careful and experienced bicyclists can easily find themselves on the wrong side of the handle bars.  While collisions with cars account for only one-third of all bicycle accidents, they cause the majority of catastrophic injuries and death in bicycle accidents.  In most cases, the driver’s fault consists of failing to yield to the cyclist, backing out of a driveway, opening a car door as a cyclist rides by, running a stop sign, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol or simply being inattentive to bicycle riders on the roadway.

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Bicycle Laws in Dayton

Bicycle riders have the same rights and responsibilities as motor vehicle drivers. While bicycle riders still have to stop at traffic signs and observe other traffic laws, in most cases bicycle riders actually have more rights than people driving cars and trucks.  Unfortunately, many motor vehicles do not respect bicyclists’ right to share the roads. If a motor vehicle driver injures someone riding a bike, the driver can be held liable for his wrongful conduct. Often times, automobile liability insurance from the negligent operator, as well as the insurance on a car owned by the bicyclist or a family member, are all potential sources of recovery for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering caused in the bicycle accident.

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured while riding a bicycle, it is important that you contact a Dayton personal injury lawyer immediately. If you do not seek to protect your rights in a timely manner crucial evidence may be lost or destroyed. Additionally, the law sets time limits in which you can pursue a claim for your injuries. Once that time passes, you lose your right to recover for your injuries.  The Brannon Law Firm has the experience necessary to gather the necessary evidence and find the best ways to get you compensated you for your injuries.  Call our offices today for a free consultation regarding your rights as an injured cyclist.