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Dayton Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

Our experience representing personal injury victims in Ohio has shown that anyone can be at risk for a spinal injury in an accident.  Many times, spinal cord injuries occur as a result of serious car accidents, workplace accidents, and other traumatic injuries like motorcycle crashes. Spinal injuries are almost never “minor” and almost always permanent.  Even if it appears that your spinal injury has healed over time, nerve cells and other parts of the neurological system actually never heal on their own.  This means that without surgery or other extremely invasive forms of treatment, your spinal injury will probably never be completely fixed.  Even with extremely invasive forms of medical treatment, it is very rare for a spinal cord injury to ever completely heal. At The Brannon Law Firm, our Dayton spinal cord injury attorneys can help you figure out what options you have regarding your claim.

Spinal Cord Injuries Can Have Permanent Damage

Over time, because of the permanence of spinal injuries, the nerve cells in your body continue to deteriorate and cause significantly more pain.  Eventually, even the most “minor” spinal cord injury could lead to total and permanent disability, depending on the location and type of injury.  Many insurance companies and at-fault parties attempt to play down the significance of spinal cord so they do not have to pay as much money for a victim’s future damages.  However, this can be a very serious issue because spinal injuries often become much worse in the future, even if it appears they are healed within a few weeks or months.  For these reasons, it is extremely important to retain an experienced attorney who understands how spinal cord injuries work, what treatments may be available, and how the injury could affect the victim in the future.

Dayton experienced spinal cord lawyer

Contact a Dayton Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

A spinal cord injury is one of the most frustrating and life-altering events that a human being can experience.   After a serious back injury, a victim may never again be able to work, sit, stand, or walk without pain.  He or she may not even be able to move below the point where the back was injured.  The Brannon Law Firm’s Dayton personal injury lawyers have successfully represented many victims and families that have been forced to deal with a traumatic spinal injuries.  Maximizing damages for a spinal injury victim requires a thorough understanding of the special medical issues and complexities that come with spinal injuries. Our experienced attorneys work with many medical experts to get a complete picture of the victim’s injuries and the impact it will have in the future.  The skill and expertise of our attorneys have resulted in our clients being compensated millions of dollars for their injuries.  If you have suffered a spinal cord injury, call our offices today for a free consultation to see how we can help.