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Estate Planning Lawyer

Estate planning is simply the process of putting your affairs in order should you become incapacitated or deceased.  Having a solid estate plan will ensure the greatest part of your assets pass to your designated beneficiaries in a quick and cost-effective manner.  Everyone has an “estate,” whether you believe that you have substantial assets or not.  If you do not have a proper plan in place when you pass or become incapacitated, Ohio law will automatically manage or distribute your property for you.  No one should let the government make those decisions for you.

  • The benefits of estate planning include:
  • Determining who will take care of your health and property should you become incapacitated;
  • Minimizing the cost and delay of transferring your property upon your death;
  • Designating the people who will care for your children and pets should you become unable;
  • Providing for the orderly operation and transfer of your business;
  • Minimizing the stress for your loved ones; and
  •  Maximizing the transfer of wealth to your loved ones in a manner and method determined by you.

We offer a comprehensive approach to devising a workable estate plan, taking into account family goals, wealth preservation, taxes, estate administration, business succession planning, charitable gifts, and contingencies for clients located throughout Ohio. We utilize legal tools to craft a specifically-tailored plan for our clients. Regardless of your financial status, age, or health, everyone needs a plan in case of incapacitation or death. We will design and deliver a proper plan to specifically meet your needs and goals. If you are interested in creating an estate plan, we offer a free consultation to discuss the process and discuss everything that must be considered in a comprehensive estate plan.