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Dayton Anesthesia Errors and Mistakes Attorney

The attorneys at the Brannon Law Firm handle medical malpractice cases, including those involving Anesthesia Errors and Mistakes. Anesthesia Errors and Mistakes can create a legal cause of action when they are caused by medical malpractice or medical negligence. If you have experienced an Anesthesia Error or Mistake and suspect malpractice, it is in your benefit to seek out more information. Information on what Anesthesia Errors and Mistakes are and what it might mean for you can be found below. Additionally, the medical malpractice attorneys at the Brannon Law Firm invite you to contact us, at 937-228-2306 or 1-800-VERDICT to see if you may have a claim for medical malpractice or medical negligence.

What are Anesthesia Errors and Mistakes?

An Anesthesia Error or Mistake is any error or mistake made in the administering of anesthesia to a patient. Some medical procedures, such as major surgeries, require the patient to be in a state of unconsciousness or semi-consciousness. Anesthesia is the method which doctors use to put patients in that state.  This may be achieved through drugs, gasses, or other forms of anesthesia. While under anesthesia, patients feel less pain, allowing doctors to perform the procedure. Oftentimes, a patient is unable to communicate while under anesthesia and may not be fully aware of what is going on.

It is well know that placing a patient under anesthesia can be dangerous. Anesthesia is a drug, and can be harmful in incorrect or improper doses. Patients must also be monitored while they are under anesthesia, both to ensure that the patient is breathing correctly and in case vital organs shut down. Anesthesiologists are doctors and medical professionals trained specifically in the practice of anesthesia, and it is their duty to ensure that all things in relation to the anesthesia element of the procedure go correctly.

Some common Anesthesia Errors and Mistakes include the following:

  • Using too much or too little anesthesia medication
  • Administering anesthesia too early to too late
  • Failure to properly monitor vital signs
  • Defective anesthesia equipment
  • Failure to properly provide oxygen and other necessities while patient is unconscious
  • Not properly considering patient’s medical history or allergies
  • Failure to react to anesthesia complications

Medical and Legal Significance of Anesthesia Errors and Mistakes

Harms and losses caused during the administration of Anesthesia may be the direct and proximate result of medical malpractice or medical negligence. The process of putting a patient into an unconscious or semi-conscious state is inherently dangerous. Patients are normally warned of this danger before the procedure, as sometimes known complications cannot be avoided. However, some instances of harm caused during the administration of Anesthesia, if caused by an Anesthesia Error or Mistake, can be attributed to medical malpractice or medical negligence since it occurs outside of acceptable standards of care or known inherent risks of the procedure. Oftentimes it takes experienced medical malpractice lawyers to distinguish between what are known risks of a procedure and what is malpractice.

Generally, malpractice occurs when a doctor or medical professional has done something incorrect during the administration of Anesthesia and caused harm that was otherwise avoidable. Anesthesia Errors and Mistakes are different from the inherent risks that all patients generally face in an important way: if it were not for the error or mistake by the medical professional, the harm would not have occurred at all. This is evidence that the doctor or medical professional fell below the acceptable standards of medical care.

Anesthesia Errors and Mistakes can cause a variety of consequences, many of them severe and life-altering. Some examples include the following:

  • Brain Injury
  • Damage to organs
  • Birth defects
  • Seizures
  • Strokes
  • Coma
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Heart problems and heart attack
  • Paralysis
  • Nerve damage
  • Death

Major medical procedures are complex and often frightening to a patient. While anesthesia is often a necessary element, and is a routine procedure in many instances, it still carries a certain level of danger that must be considered by doctors and medical professionals. Failure to do so may result in serious injury and harm and may be medical malpractice or medical negligence.

Seeking Legal Counsel and Guidance

The Dayton medical malpractice attorneys at the Brannon Law Firm have the skill and experience to discover whether your health issues are a result of an Anesthesia Error or Mistake and whether those health issues could have been avoided or prevented, as well as to help ensure that you receive the assistance you need and deserve.

Medical malpractice and negligence is preventable. It is caused by the error, improper action, or lack of action by medical professionals. It is important to hold those medical professionals to the proper standards of medical care and to hold them accountable for the harms and losses they may cause. The Brannon Law Firm can help hold those at fault accountable.

Additionally, your treatment may be difficult, both financially and emotionally. Efforts to fix or reverse the effects of an Anesthesia Error or Mistake can be severe and long lasting, requiring additional medical treatment, loss of quality of life, loss of income and costly medical bills. It is important to ensure you have the assistance and care that you deserve to live the best life possible. The Brannon Law Firm can help with that process.

At the Brannon Law Firm, we have represented many individuals who were unfortunate victims of an Anesthesia Error or Mistake. We have obtained favorable verdicts and settlements on behalf of clients in Anesthesia Errors and Mistakes cases. We invite you to contact us, either at 937-228-2306 or 1-800-VERDICT. You may also contact us online. We offer a free consultation. The Brannon Law Firm is proud to serve clients in Dayton and the surrounding areas of Ohio, including Montgomery County, Greene County, Miami County, and Darke County  of Ohio. Contact a Dayton personal injury lawyer today.